You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Have you prayed to LORD COCK today for his guidance in your meaningless life?
Stranger 2: male?
Stranger 1: no
Stranger 2: male here
Stranger 1: f
Stranger 2: female?
Stranger 1: yes
Stranger 2: i am 19
Stranger 1: me too
Stranger 2: u?
Stranger 2: nice
Stranger 2: u r from?
Stranger 1: sweden
Stranger 1: u
Stranger 2: i am from The India
Stranger 2: nice to meet u miss
Stranger 1: oh,damn it
Stranger 1 has disconnected
You see, Stranger 1, if you would have prayed to our good LORD COCK,
he would have been a hot man with a 20 inch dick right outside your door.
Question to discuss:
Have you prayed to LORD COCK today for his guidance in your meaningless life?
Stranger 2: Yes
Stranger 1: not today.
Stranger 2: Thanks. ALL HAIL LORD COCK
Stranger 1: hey youre pervert!
Stranger 1: where are you from? fucking turkey?
Stranger 2: Hey ur retard
Stranger 2: Where you from? My ass?
Stranger 1: no my iq is 142.
Stranger 2: Would you like to know mine?
Stranger 2 has disconnected
My sincerest gratitude to Turkey for being one of the first nations
to accept our LORD COCK as their savior and master.
Question to discuss:
Have you prayed to LORD COCK today for his guidance in your meaningless life?
Stranger 2: Lots of people whine 'cause of thieves, if they stopped buying what they steal,
they'd realize the fuckin' cycle it makes.
If they fucking buy stolen stuff, don't fucking cry 'cause there are lots of thieves.
Stranger 1: i just buy 2 of everthing
Stranger 1: so i have a spare
Stranger 2: Fucking people don't realize the truth and prefer to live in complete stupidity.
Stranger 1 has disconnected
You see, Stranger 2, there would be no thievery under the rule of our LORD COCK.
There would be only firm, full erections ready to penetrate its followers
and fill them with grace, love, and semen. But mostly, semen.
Question to discuss:
Have you prayed to LORD COCK today for his guidance in your meaningless life?
Stranger 1: These questions are shit..
Stranger 1 has disconnected
YOU'RE a shit.
Question to discuss:
Have you prayed to LORD COCK today for his guidance in your meaningless life?
Stranger 2: no, but i have a my pants
Stranger 1 has disconnected
Do not worship other gods before LORD COCK, Stranger 2. Jealousy only makes his penis harder.
Question to discuss:
Have you prayed to LORD COCK today for his guidance in your meaningless life?
Stranger 1: lol
Stranger 1: this is incredibly retarded
Stranger 1: i'm fucking sick of all these twats with their retarded questions
Stranger 1: isn't there somebody normal?!?!
Stranger 1 has disconnected
I was going to draw an ASCII art picture of you getting sodomized by LORD COCK, Stranger 1.
However, that takes too much effort, and does not jive with this site's policy of not trying.
So, my friends, simply replace this text in your mind with an ASCII art image of
Stranger 1 on his knees getting filled with love butter by LORD COCK's raging erection.
Question to discuss:
Have you prayed to LORD COCK today for his guidance in your meaningless life?
Stranger 2: u
Stranger 1: No why would i do that
Stranger 2: idk
Stranger 1: i wish i had a cock
Stranger 2: k
Stranger 1 has disconnected
Never fear. LORD COCK will be your cock tonight, Stranger 1.
*cheezy porno music*
Question to discuss:
Have you prayed to LORD COCK today for his guidance in your meaningless life?
Stranger 1: I prayed to your mom
Stranger 2: Wtf
Stranger 2: BURN
Stranger 2 has disconnected
Now, now. You may pray to Stranger 2's mom, oh child of darkness,
but Stranger 2's mom prays to LORD COCK.
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